Friday, October 16, 2015

Why I Chose This Lens -- Psychoanalytical Lens

I chose the psychoanalytical lens. I chose this lens because apart from being the one that most interested me, it also was the one that I felt really connected with the story. What I mean when I say that it connected with the story is that I felt as though many of the characters were going to have internal conflicts. All in all, I think that the psychoanalytical lens is one of the more interesting lenses because it is often seen. When looking at a book through the psychoanalytical lens, you have to pay attention more towards what characters are thinking and how that matches up with the actions of each character. I do not think that I have much experience with his topic which is another reason why I wanted to focus on it. Some of the few experiences is when we were writing the essay for The Great Gatsby, a lot of my quotes that I had chosen to analyze were things that each character was thinking. The difference between then and know, is that in that particular essay, I focused more on analyzing what I thought it meant, but when looking at it through a psychoanalytical lens, you have to analyze it by what you thought that they meant and then all actions that revolve around that inner thought. I think that often times when you read a book you are subconsciously already analyzing it through a psychoanalytical lens because you have a natural curiosity that makes you wonder why each character thinks what they think. Another lens that I though about was the marxist lens. I thought about doing this lens because I think it is very interesting to see how the era of when the book was written, and the era of where the book takes place combine, and how it correlates with the story as a whole. Something that I am hoping to get from this lens is to learn more about the subconscious on fictional characters, because that is something that truly interests me.